Direct Bilirubin
A specific form of bilirubin (conjugated) that is formed in the liver and excreted in bile. Under normal conditions there is very little direct bilirubin in the blood. In liver disease, however, direct bilirubin enters the bloodstream so that even a slightly elevated level may indicate a problem with the liver cells, an obstruction of the bile ducts, or impairment of liver cell function.
Red blood cells that have an abnormal shape. Specifically, they are elliptical. This abnormality is indicated as slight, moderate, or heavy when performed manually. In an automated version only heavy abnormalities are usually noted.
Eosinophils, a specific type of white blood cell, are manufactured in the bone marrow. They help fight against allergic reactions and protect the lungs, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. Also important to the body's defense against infection and in the assessment of nutritional status. This test will be quantified as an actual percentage of the total white blood cells present in your blood. This is the case for both manual and automated analysis.
An iron-carrying protein, which is a more accurate monitor of long-term body iron status than the blood iron level, which can vary with diet. Ferritin is the major iron storage protein. The serum ferritin level is directly proportional to the amount of iron stored in the body. Evaluates how well your cells absorb iron – you may have enough iron but be unable to utilize it very well. Should be ordered if you are chronically tired, at risk for cancer, or if you donate blood frequently.
Free % PSA
Measures the free form of the prostate specific antigen. This is a much more specific prostate cancer test than the Total PSA test. After establishing a low benchmark score on this test, it should also be ordered when the Total PSA score is too high or trending in a negative direction (increasing) or if you know you are at risk for prostate cancer. This test is included in our Cancer Package for Men. The Free % PSA must be run with the Total PSA. The PSA II is more accurate and complete and enables the earliest detection of prostate problems. YFH has helped some of its clients discover prostate cancer in its earliest stages by running this test, yet the Total PSA score was within the normal range used by most labs.
Free T4
Thyroid hormone that frees itself from protein and goes to the area of the body where it is needed. Free T4 helps the body metabolize foods. This test directly measures the free T4 in the blood rather than estimating it like the Free Thyroxine Index (T7 Index). It is a more reliable, but a little more expensive test. It is the best single measurement of thyroid function. The Free T4 is extremely important; many of our clients have good scores on all 4 tests included in the Thyroid Panel II, but still have the symptoms of an unhealthy thyroid – these clients usually have a bad Free T4 score. This test can be ordered individually or as part of the Complete Thyroid Package (5 total tests).
An enzyme, which can be an early indicator of liver abnormalities. Tests the liver and gallbladder and is used to diagnose gallbladder, pancreatic, or liver disease. Alcohol, caffeine, and medications or drugs can affect this score.
Globulins are a major group of proteins in the blood comprising the infection fighting antibodies. Globulins act as transportation agents for vital nutrients and other components in your blood. Specifically, they transport sex hormones, hormones released by the thyroid, various forms of copper, iron and cholesterol, and other important bloodstream components.
This is a measure of the sugar level in your blood. Glucose is a six-carbon sugar that is the main source of energy for all of the cells in the body. The rate at which it is metabolized is controlled by insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. Elevated fasting glucose levels may be an early sign of diabetes. Low levels could indicate too much insulin in the blood.
Direct Bilirubin
A specific form of bilirubin (conjugated) that is formed in the liver and excreted in bile. Under normal conditions there is very little direct bilirubin in the blood. In liver disease, however, direct bilirubin enters the bloodstream so that even a slightly elevated level may indicate a problem with the liver cells, an obstruction of the bile ducts, or impairment of liver cell function.
Red blood cells that have an abnormal shape. Specifically, they are elliptical. This abnormality is indicated as slight, moderate, or heavy when performed manually. In an automated version only heavy abnormalities are usually noted.
Eosinophils, a specific type of white blood cell, are manufactured in the bone marrow. They help fight against allergic reactions and protect the lungs, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. Also important to the body's defense against infection and in the assessment of nutritional status. This test will be quantified as an actual percentage of the total white blood cells present in your blood. This is the case for both manual and automated analysis.
An iron-carrying protein, which is a more accurate monitor of long-term body iron status than the blood iron level, which can vary with diet. Ferritin is the major iron storage protein. The serum ferritin level is directly proportional to the amount of iron stored in the body. Evaluates how well your cells absorb iron – you may have enough iron but be unable to utilize it very well. Should be ordered if you are chronically tired, at risk for cancer, or if you donate blood frequently.
Free % PSA
Measures the free form of the prostate specific antigen. This is a much more specific prostate cancer test than the Total PSA test. After establishing a low benchmark score on this test, it should also be ordered when the Total PSA score is too high or trending in a negative direction (increasing) or if you know you are at risk for prostate cancer. This test is included in our Cancer Package for Men. The Free % PSA must be run with the Total PSA. The PSA II is more accurate and complete and enables the earliest detection of prostate problems. YFH has helped some of its clients discover prostate cancer in its earliest stages by running this test, yet the Total PSA score was within the normal range used by most labs.
Free T4
Thyroid hormone that frees itself from protein and goes to the area of the body where it is needed. Free T4 helps the body metabolize foods. This test directly measures the free T4 in the blood rather than estimating it like the Free Thyroxine Index (T7 Index). It is a more reliable, but a little more expensive test. It is the best single measurement of thyroid function. The Free T4 is extremely important; many of our clients have good scores on all 4 tests included in the Thyroid Panel II, but still have the symptoms of an unhealthy thyroid – these clients usually have a bad Free T4 score. This test can be ordered individually or as part of the Complete Thyroid Package (5 total tests).
An enzyme, which can be an early indicator of liver abnormalities. Tests the liver and gallbladder and is used to diagnose gallbladder, pancreatic, or liver disease. Alcohol, caffeine, and medications or drugs can affect this score.
Globulins are a major group of proteins in the blood comprising the infection fighting antibodies. Globulins act as transportation agents for vital nutrients and other components in your blood. Specifically, they transport sex hormones, hormones released by the thyroid, various forms of copper, iron and cholesterol, and other important bloodstream components.
This is a measure of the sugar level in your blood. Glucose is a six-carbon sugar that is the main source of energy for all of the cells in the body. The rate at which it is metabolized is controlled by insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. Elevated fasting glucose levels may be an early sign of diabetes. Low levels could indicate too much insulin in the blood.